Luca bono & francesco scimemi the magic brothers
17 July 2021
17 July 2021
21:30 - 23:00
Luca Bono & Francesco Scimemi
With Sabrina Iannece
The encounter between two souls of illusionism, opposite but complementary, protagonists of an explosive show between magic and comedy
Luca Bono and Francesco Scimemi are “The Magic Brothers”! The meeting between two illusionists, a comparison between techniques, styles, languages and interpretations of illusionism: Luca Bono, the most interesting and virtuous magical talent of his generation and Francesco Scimemi, the volcanic and irreverent stage animal. Together they will give life to an explosive mix of hilarious gags, great illusions, premonitions able to amaze and entertain in a succession of unpredictable magical moments.
Bono and Scimemi, opposites (also geographically, Luca Torinese and Francesco Palermo) but complementary, two sides of the same coin, basically united by a great complicity (on stage and in everyday life), will tell on stage, through universal language of magic, their passions passing from cinema to poetry involving the public of all ages in a show that excites and entertains. A strange pair of illusionists, halfway between comedy and illusion, between cabaret and cinema, between magic and improvisation.
Trait d'union between Bono's creative genius and Scimemi's indomitable madness, is Sabrina Iannece, the assistant who doesn't just smile and carry out the magician's wishes, but shares the scene with the two whimsical contenders, keeping them at bay and carving out its spaces, demonstrating personality and charm.
How to reach:
The events takes place: Teatro Grande la Versiliana Viale Morin n. 16 55045 (LU)
Ticket office:
Entrance for this event is subject to charges nd
Useful info:
Fondazione Versiliana
+39 0584265733
Visit the Event organizer website
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