
Massa: All you need to know

The natural characteristics of the zone have always made Massa distinctive and different from other places, making it especially popular to the visitors. In fact it is rare to find such a variety of landscape within only few kilometres: from the sea to the cultivating field , from towns to hills and the Apuan Alpswith their hidden treasures which have been always known to the man: the marble, excavated and worked since roman times in the quarries of the nearby Carrara, the oligomineral springs which flow from mountain sources. All this protected by a mild and healthy climate with no snow ; in fact orange trees have no difficulties in growing here, as well as other cactus plants. Not very far from the plain you can see the ancient mountain settlements which extend towards the Frigido river, settlements(such as Altagnana, Antona, Pariana) probably inhabited since the end of the prehistoric period.

The most ancient traces of the human settlements in the massese area dates back to Paleolithic and Neolithic articles (Resceto); and Bronze remains of Pariana and burial niches to the Iron Age at Cirinea di Pariana. A place name such as “Taberna Frigida” along Via Emilia Scauri before Luni is mentioned in the “Tabula Peutingeriana”, a real road map of the 3Rd century A.D. During the Curtense period the first inhabited parts of the the town were formed and from the 10Th century to the first half of the 13Th century we see Massa as a central part of the domain of the Obertenga Family.

The 13Th and 14Th centuries were very troubled with a succession of dominations by different powers (i.e. Florence, Lucca). In 1442 began the Malaspina marquisat, it was Alberico Cybo- Malaspina who , towards the middle of the 15Th century, undertook to enlarge and improve the small hereditary estate.The last successor of the Cybo-Malaspina family, Maria Teresa, married Ercole Rinaldo D’Este, duke of Modena, in 1741; then the state of Massa passed on through succession to the daughter Maria Beatrice and in 1829 on her death it was finally taken over by Modena. In 1860 the province of Massa Carrara officially became part of the Kingdom of Italy. During the interwar period (1938) the Apuan industrial zone was created. During the second world war Massa was the centre of many bloody episodes being the immediately behind the Gothic line. Its recovery was long and hard, but in spite of this it had a considerable urban development and a strong expansion of the tourist sector.

1) VIDEO Massa

View of the Apuan Riviera from Pian della Fioba

Posted on: 13 Aug 2018

A tourist area of ​​great interest, not only for the presence of the quarries but also for the many opportunities they offer from the naturalistic point of view.

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What to see in the Surroundings

We have selected 4 interesting things to see nearby.
If four are few and are not enough for you then read our posts , you will find many ideas to spend your holiday in Versilia with your family, alone, as a couple or with your friends.

Viareggio Carnival

Viareggio Versilia

Carnival of Italy with its splendid parades of wagons, fireworks, is held every year between February / March along the promenade of Viareggio.


Massa How to reach:

by Car

Tramite autostrada è raggiungibile dal sud, attraverso Autosole A1, fino a Firenze, e poi attraverso la Firenze Mare A11 e la Livorno-Genova A12. Dal Nord attraverso Autosole A1 fino a Parma e poi l'autostrada della Cisa A15 fino a S. Stefano, e quindi A12 Genova-Livorno. Through motorway is reachable from SOUTH, through Autosole A1, as far as Firenze and then through the Firenze Mare A11 and the Livorno-Genova A12. From NORTH through Autosole A1 as far as Parma and then through the Cisa A15 to S.Stefano, and then through the A12 Genova-Livorno.
Tollhouse: Massa

by Train

  • Line: Ventimiglia-Torino-Genova-Pisa-Firenze-Roma
  • Line : Genova-Parma-Bologna
  • Line : Livorno-Milano
  • Railway station of Massa Centro

by Plane

The international airports in Pisa, Genoa and Florence provide reliable transport to the main city.

Contact all accommodations:

Free Time:

  • Market
    Monday Carrara
    Monday ( Avenue J.F.Kennedy ) Lido di Camaiore
    Thursday ( Promenade ) Lido di Camaiore
    Sunday ( Promenade ) Summer Only Lido di Camaiore
    Monday Seravezza
    Monday Bagnone
    Tuesday Massa
    Tuesday Cinquale
    Tuesday Viareggio
    Thursday ( Promenade & Centre ) Viareggio
    Saturday ( Marco Polo ) Viareggio
    Tuesday ( Piazza degli Alpini ) Capezzano Pianore
    Tuesday Massarosa
    Tuesday Fivizzano
    Wednesday ( Guglielmo Marco Square 8am 2pm ) Forte dei Marmi
    Wednesday Stiava
    Wednesday Pontremoli
    Thursday ( Statuto Square ) Pietrasanta
    Thursday Marina di Carrara
    Friday ( Oberdan Street ) Camaiore
    Friday Torre del Lago Puccini
    Friday ( Centre ) Marina di Massa
    Friday Villafranca Lunigiana
    Saturday ( Tonfano ) Marina di Pietrasanta
    Saturday Querceta
    Saturday Aulla
    Saturday Pontremoli
    Sunday ( From Easter until September, Guglielmo Marconi Square ) Summer Only Forte dei Marmi
    Sunday Torre del Lago Puccini
    Sunday Licciana Nardi
    Sunday Marina di Carrara
    Everyday ( Centre ) Partaccia
  • Clubs
    Nikki Beach Versilia - Via Lungomare Roma 96
    Marina di Pietrasanta
    Fuori di Massa - Via Lungomare di Ponente 70
    Marina di Massa
    Mora Mora - Viale Colombo, 259
    Lido di Camaiore
    La Bussola - Viale Roma, 44 (Lungomare) 55045
    Marina di Pietrasanta
  • Sea & BeachesRead

Rental & Taxi:
