Seven: painting exhibition at the europa gallery

14 Août 2021
08 Septembre 2021
21:00 - 23:30


On Monday 23 August 2021 at 9 pm, at the Europa Gallery on the Europa 41 seafront in Lido di Camaiore (Lu), the “Seven” painting exhibition will be inaugurated.

On display works by Daniela Caciagli, Riccardo Corti, Beppe Francesconi, Guido Morelli, Armando Orfeo, Lisandro Rota and Valente Taddei: this collective looks at the recent production of seven artists, coming from Tuscany and Liguria, in a kaleidoscopic whole that offers an interesting cross-section of contemporary figurative painting.

In her acrylic paintings, Daniela Caciagli (Bibbona, 1962) portrays everyday scenes populated by enigmatic figures, stimulating a reflection on the difficulties in relationships between people in today's society.

In the oils of Riccardo Corti (Florence, 1952) slender pines and soft irises stand out: the metaphorical value of this synthetic painting is strong, aimed at investigating the sensitive with intensity and lyricism.

The oils by Beppe Francesconi (Marina di Massa, 1961) represent a sort of private dream diary, in which a bizarre crowd of playful animals appears suspended in time and space. Guido Morelli (La Spezia, 1967) highlights, in his paintings, the evocative side of rarefied natural landscapes.

Lisandro Rota (Lucca, 1946) paints stories with a grotesque flavor in acrylic, combining humorous and critical ideas. In Armando Orfeo's acrylic and oil paintings (Marina di Grosseto, 1964), a strange character moves, restless and curious, among numerous symbolic objects and daring architectures.

Valente Taddei (Viareggio, 1964) creates oil and ink paintings with a narrative slant in which a tiny individual experiences singular adventures, perpetually poised between irony and paradox.

The exhibition, sponsored by the Municipality of Camaiore, is organized by the Mercurio Arte Contemporanea gallery in Viareggio.

It will remain open until Wednesday 8 September 2021, every day from 9.00 pm to 11.30 pm.

Infoline: 333 2318925.

Comment Arriver:

Les événements ont lieu: Galleria Europa lungomare Europa 41 55041 (LU)

Informations utiles:

ufficio stampa Mercurio Arte Contemporanea
Phone: +39 3332318925
Visitez le site web de l'organisateur de l'événement

Vacanze in Versilia.COM n'est pas responsable des annulations ou des dates de déménagement d'événements individuels.

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