Con-vivere festival carrara seventeenth edition

08 Septembre 2022
11 Septembre 2022
17:00 - 00:00


What: Con-Vivere Festival Carrara, the festival on interculturality
When: from 08-September-2022 to 11 September 2022
Where: in the historic center of Carrara

Professor Remo Bodei oversaw the scientific direction for 14 years.

Each edition deals with a theme, looking at the most current and crucial issues related to the coexistence of cultural, religious and political identities, whose problematic nature is symbolically indicated in the symbol by the dash that separates the "with" from "living".
It is the dash that makes the difference and thereby places the accent on the problem of creating community and living in harmony. (Remo Bodei, on the occasion of con-vive 2006, City territory culture).

For this seventeenth edition, the theme: TRACES _ Maurizio Ferraris Scientific consultant XVII edition

More than twenty speech meetings between conferences, dialogues and debates, six shows and over thirty collateral events including cooking workshops, children's area, exhibitions, meetings, themed walks to discover the territory, cooking proposals in the restaurants of the center will make up the program of this edition.
Maurizio Ferraris, Telmo Pievani, Chiara Saraceno, Cristian Greco, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, Edoardo Camurri, Piergiorgio Odifreddi with Paolo Benanti, Antonella Viola with Roberto Esposito, are some of the guests of this edition. And then again the music of Ron with a tribute to Lucio Dalla, the versatility of Antonella Ruggero's voice, the involving rhythms of the Italian Popular Orchestra and the Canzoniere Greganico Salentino.
The theme
What do handprints on cave walls mean? The idea that everything that is not understood must have a religious meaning suggests that we are dealing with the residues of a rite. But why not imagine a prehistoric mother telling her children "stop it, don't you see that you dirty the wall!" In both cases we would have to deal with tracks, voluntary. Further on in the cave, food residues and arrowheads are involuntary traces, testifying to a past life. Further on, over time, we have the pyramids and papyri covered with hieroglyphics, the codes and parchments, the baroque libraries and then those large centers of production and distribution of documents that are banks and registry offices, stock exchanges and general staffs. , newspapers and governments. For a few decades, however, that enormous recording force that is the Web has multiplied this library of Babel beyond any humanly conceivable limit because with digital, unlike analogue, everything leaves a trace and everything can become a document. Up to now, only commercial platforms have benefited from this immense capital, but, since it is a heritage of humanity (big data keeps track of our forms of life, and nothing else), it can and must be shared by humanity whole, within the framework of a Webfare, of a digital Welfare. Telling the ancient and modern traces, understanding their value, and above all drawing their future, is the goal of the 2022 edition of co-living, entrusted to the philosopher Maurizio Ferraris, director of Scienza Nuova, the institute of advanced studies that unites the University and the Polytechnic of Turin to understand the digital revolution.
The word meetings
The speakers of the speech meetings will each address a topic related to the theme of the festival, identified through a keyword, an encyclopedia lemma, to investigate, mainly through two-part dialogues, the traces declined to the past, to the present to the future.
The scientific curator, Maurizio Ferraris with Documanity will open the meetings of con-vive 2022 on Thursday 8 September.
Then there are different declinations of the theme, first of all to read the traces of the past intended as cultural heritage and social and cultural heritage.
Cultural asset. What is a cultural asset and to what extent does the Web present itself as a huge mechanism of capitalization and increase of this new value? With, Gabriel Zuchtriegel, director of the Archaeological Park of Pompeii, and Pier Paolo Forte, jurist and expert in cultural heritage.
Pyramids. The current revolution has its origins in the production of traces, and in that capital event which is writing. The first hard disk in history, infinitely more durable than ours, are the pyramids, and that writing event we call "Egypt". With Christian Greco, Egyptian Museum.
Inheritance. By the mere fact of coming into the world after others we are all heirs, at family level, but also historical, social, cultural. Symmetrically, we all leave something as an inheritance to those who come after us. It does not only and above all concern heritages, but also habits, family, local and national histories, cultural models and institutional arrangements, traditions, even conflicts. What is left and received as an inheritance is never neutral in its meanings and consequences. With Chiara Saraceno (sociologist)

In turning our gaze to the present, the key theme is that of the capitalization of tracks, which today on the web and in the digital sphere have multiplied dramatically. Just think of the enormous documentation and storage capacity offered by digital technologies.
Algorithm. A technical term of mathematics that has become daily bread and the subject of concern and debate. But what is an algorithm, and why should we (assuming we have to) worry about it? Speaking about it: Piergiorgio Odifreddi, mathematician, and Paolo Benanti, theologian and computer scientist, Pontifical Gregorian University.
Art. Contemporary art moves between the two extremes of the ostentatious materiality of street art and the immateriality of no-Fungible Token; what is more important, the new concept of economic value seems to take the example of the enhancement at work in the world of art, which turns out, once more, to be prophetic. With Vincenzo Trione, art historian and critic of Corriere della Sera and Gian Maria Ajani, rector of the University of Turin from 2013 to 2019 and expert in art, law and IT.
Digital Hermeneutics. How do you understand and interpret digital technologies? What philosophical criteria can be defined for the interpretation of big data? With Emilia Garito, CEO and founder of Quantum Leap, expert in innovation and Artificial Intelligence, and Fabrizio Calzavarini member of the interdepartmental center for Logic, Language and Cognition (University of Turin).
Technical ethics. What contribution can philosophy make to frame the ethical questions that innovation and technological design raise? With Mario de Caro, professor of moral philosophy at the University of Roma Tre, and Fiorella Battaglia, professor of philosophy at the University of Munich.
Europe. By guaranteeing its citizens the possibility of requesting their data (and soon their metadata) from commercial platforms, the European Union has laid the basis for moving from the protection of formal rights, such as privacy, to that of real rights, access to data capitalization processes. What are the further steps on this road? With Luca De Biase, il Sole 24 ore, and Isabella De Michelis, CEO & Founder ErnieApp Ltd ..
Work. What does work become when homo faber is progressively left in the tool shed to make room for homo sapiens? And what a job we have to imagine for those who will lose it to
cause of the automation? With Donato Ferri, Managing Partner of EY Consulting for Ernst & Young Europe West Region and Marco Bentivogli, general secretary of the Italian Metalworkers Federation 2014-2020.
Maps. How does the profession of geographers and cartographers change now that Google maps them? With Franco Farinelli, geographer and professor emeritus of the University of Bologna.
Merit and politics. What are merit and politics in the time of the Web and how can they be related? Certainly not the use of old values ​​for electoral purposes, as populism proposes, but the creation of new values ​​starting from the possibilities of mobilization and understanding offered by the Web. With Guido Saracco, Rector of the Polytechnic of Turin.
South. Here is a name that one would not expect in a meeting on the future and the Web, yet it is precisely in the South of the world that the digital revolution is transforming the social and economic landscape most intensely. With Cecilia Pennacini (Scientific Director of the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the University of Turin) and Marco Aime (professor of Cultural Anthropology, University of Genoa).
Humanism. We feared that the new times would decree the end of the humanities, and instead they are more and more valuable. How can this transformation be explained? And what must be done to create humanistic disciplines that are up to the challenges of the present? With Francesco Erspamer (Harvard University) and Gino Roncaglia (University of Rome3).

Traces of the future
can they be understood as Webfare, the digital welfare that can be envisaged for humanity thanks to the profitability of the enormous capital that humanity produces most of the time without knowing it?
Biopolitics. How will the society of the coming decades have to live with a growing form of biopolitical management? And to what extent is this situation to be feared or hoped for? With Roberto Esposito, Scuola Normale Superiore, and Antonella Viola, University of Padua.
Innovation. Along with “sustainability” (and “resilience”, which we spare ourselves), “innovation” is one of the most recurring words in post-colonial projects and discourses. But what does innovation consist of and how can real innovation be distinguished from what only looks like it? With Laura Montanaro, pro-rector of the Polytechnic of Turin.
Project. What does it mean to "design" (and is planning, political, technical and social possible?) In a situation of perennial and very rapid technological renewal? With Giovanni Durbiano, architect, and Carlo Galli, political philosopher and columnist.

One of the most common words today is sustainability, but what is it and how is it implemented? And above all, how do the apparently opposite needs of social sustainability and environmental sustainability come together? With Telmo Pievani, epistemologist, and Tiziana Andina, philosopher and expert in transgenerationality.
Translation. Until yesterday we imagined a monolingual future, perhaps in an airport English. But the most likely future is of another type, that of automatic translators who will allow us to always speak and write in our mother tongue. What would Joyce have said? And what do we have to say? With Edoardo Camurri, Joyciano, philosopher and television presenter and Carola Barbero, professor of philosophy of literature, University of Turin.
The shows
The program of con-vive Carrara Festival, alongside the "word" meetings, will present six shows of great interest all in some way linked to the central theme of the Festival: traces of musical or popular cultures that settle over time, mix and give origin to equally significant variants and variations. Sometimes it is also an ideal dialogue between artists, such as that between Ron and Lucio Dalla in the central evening of the festival, to trace new interpretative paths, where the song itself, as a vehicle, reflects on itself as a track. The shows will offer a rich and varied path that will also cross several musical genres: jazz, opera, popular music and pop music.

Thursday 8 September,
a meeting between music and words, between the geologist Mario Tozzi, known by the general public for his television broadcasts and the jazz saxophonist Enzo Favata; together they tell the myths related to the Mediterranean, through the particular point of view of geology, a science as fascinating as it is neglected, and music on the border between past and future. The event will be organized in collaboration with the Port System Authority of the Eastern Ligurian Sea Ports of La Spezia and Marina di Carrara.
Also on 8 September the "Versatile Concert" by Antonella Ruggero with musical accompaniment by Roberto Olzer, piano and liturgical organ, and Roberto Colombo, vocorder and bass synth. The name of Antonella Ruggiero, one of the most versatile voices on the Italian scene, first with Matia Bazar and then, from the 90s, with a solo career, as varied as it was successful, her ability as an interpreter, intertwined with a natural curiosity, the desire to go beyond the boundaries of traditional formulas and languages, he was able to touch fields and points virtually very distant from each other that are now proposed, in a concert that touches all his greatest successes from "Roman Holidays" to to arrive at the most recent "Echoes of Infinity". But his career did not stop at pop: in recent years he has in fact crossed the music linked to Western, Indian and African religious culture and then pushed himself into the atmospheres of Broadway, Portuguese fado, songwriting and Italy a horse between the two wars. Pop therefore, but also sacred music and music from the world in this recital that also adds the songs of some famous Italian songwriters, always discovering new ways of arrangement and interpretation.

Friday 9 September,
the tribute to Renata Tebaldi 100 years after her birth, by the Circolo Amici della lirica A. Mercuriali and the concert by the Italian Popular Orchestra, conducted by Ambrogio Sparagna. An original ensemble of voices, accordions, percussions and many traditional musical instruments that offers a varied repertoire that embraces different regions of Italy, with particular attention to the repertoire of songs and dances (pizzica, tarantella, saltarello, tammurriata). Each show is a party able to make squares and entire towns dance and capture the attention and true enthusiasm of the public. The Orchestra is characterized by the presence within it of musical instruments typical of the Italian popular tradition: accordions, tambourines, bagpipes, ciaramelle, flying guitars but also violins, double basses, winds and so on. And then many voices that tell, also using many local "languages", the richness of the Italian regional folklore. But it is also a fascinating project of new popular music with original repertoires that tell a new Italy of music that involves young people in search of an identity rhythm and opportunities for a new sociality.

Saturday 10th September,
Ron with the Ensemble Symphony Orchestra conducted by Maestro Giacomo Loprieno, together with Giuseppe Tassoni at the piano. In the lineup there will be timeless classics but also famous hits that Ron wrote for many colleagues (from 'Joe Temerario' to 'I would like to meet you in a hundred years', from' Anima 'to' È Italia che va ', from' Chissà se you know 'up to the famous' A city to sing', passing through 'We don't need words',' At the center of music,) and of course his most recent songs - 'More than I loved you' and 'I'm a son '- which will be part of the highly anticipated new album of unreleased songs that will see the light in autumn. A central section of the concert will be dedicated to his friend Lucio Dalla with songs such as Beware of the Wolf, Piazza Grande and What will be. The concert is made possible thanks to the support of numerous companies in the Port of Marina di Carrara.

Sunday 11 September,
Grand finale of the section dedicated to shows, with the Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino, the first and most important group of popular music from Salento. The fascinating dichotomy between tradition and modernity characterizes the music: the group reinterprets in a modern key the traditions that revolve around the famous ritual pizzica tarantata, which had the power to cure the bite of the fearsome tarantula through music, trance and dance. .
The albums and shows of the Canzoniere Grecanico are an explosion of energy, passion, rhythm and magic, which enchant the audience and transport them on a journey from the past to the present of the Salento culture thanks to the beat of the tambourine. In 2018 it obtained an extremely important recognition for the world of world music: the Songlines Music Awards, assigned for the first time to an Italian group, designating the Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino as the best world music group in the world.
The creative program
Coming to Carrara in the days of living together means immersing yourself in a new atmosphere, made up of opportunities for reflection and deepening, but also of celebration and creativity for everyone. In the program of this edition there will also be a section dedicated to exhibitions, as well as a rich proposal of walks and guided tours in the historic center curated by various associations in the area, in-depth meetings, some of which are linked to the world of volunteering and schools, workshops of cuisine which will feature the Hotel Institutes of Marina di Massa and Bagnone. There will be many activities in the children's area, which will range from readings to creative workshops and moments of in-depth study and discovery on science and technology.
Among the exhibitions, on Thursday 8 September, the exhibition, T.O.T. Themes of Traces, curated by Andrea Zanetti. Through different languages, five contemporary artists - Emiliano Bagnato, Raffaele Morabito, Federica Mutti, Eleonora Roaro and Vincenzo Zancana - and a section curated by students selected by the Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, reflect on the theme of the trace, of which they highlight their personal interpretation to share it with the suggestions of the public: a trace of memory, sound, light, word, mutation. The exhibition project declines the theme of the 2022 edition of the Festival with-living, in a contemporary vision that opens up to confrontation with visitors from the free and intimate reflection of the artists to foster the necessary exchange between individual sensitivity and collective reflection. It is the first appointment in a cycle of exhibitions organized by the Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara Foundation which includes the entry of works by Under 35 artists into its collection; a project that aims to enhance the younger artists to offer their contemporary artistic vision to the public heritage.
As always, several events, also organized in collaboration with the Municipal Administration, will offer a look at the artistic and cultural heritage of Carrara, meetings, walks and guided tours designed and proposed following the cut offered by the theme of this edition.

Comment Arriver:

Les événements ont lieu: Centro Storico Via Verdi 7 54033 (MS)

Informations utiles:

Fondazione Progetti srl
Phone: +39 058555249
Visitez le site web de l'organisateur de l'événement

Vacanze in Versilia.COM n'est pas responsable des annulations ou des dates de déménagement d'événements individuels.

Que voir dans les Environs

Nous avons sélectionné 4 choses intéressantes à voir à proximité de la côte de la Versilia.
Si quatre sont peu nombreux et ne vous suffisent pas, lisez nos articles , vous trouverez de nombreuses idées pour passer vos vacances en Versilia avec votre famille, seul, en couple ou entre amis.

Techniques d'extraction du Marbre Carrara

Carrara Côte Apuan


Où dormir::

Temps Libre:

  • Marché Lunedi
    Lundi Carrara
    Lundi ( Avenue J.F.Kennedy ) Lido di Camaiore
    Jeudi ( Promenade ) Lido di Camaiore
    Dimanche ( Promenade ) Été Seulement Lido di Camaiore
    Lundi Seravezza
    Lundi Bagnone
    Mardi Massa
    Mardi Cinquale
    Mardi Viareggio
    Jeudi ( Promenade et centre ) Viareggio
    Samedi ( Marco Polo ) Viareggio
    Mardi ( Piazza degli Alpini ) Capezzano Pianore
    Mardi Massarosa
    Mardi Fivizzano
    Mercredi ( Guglielmo Marco Square 8h à 14h ) Forte dei Marmi
    Mercredi Stiava
    Mercredi Pontremoli
    Jeudi ( Place Statuto ) Pietrasanta
    Jeudi Marina di Carrara
    Vendredi ( Rue Oberdan ) Camaiore
    Vendredi Torre del Lago Puccini
    Vendredi ( Centre ) Marina di Massa
    Vendredi Villafranca Lunigiana
    Samedi ( Tonfano ) Marina di Pietrasanta
    Samedi Querceta
    Samedi Aulla
    Samedi Pontremoli
    Dimanche ( De Pâques à septembre, place Guglielmo Marconi ) Été Seulement Forte dei Marmi
    Dimanche Torre del Lago Puccini
    Dimanche Licciana Nardi
    Dimanche Marina di Carrara
    Tous les jours ( Centre ) Partaccia
  • Clubs
    Nikki Beach Versilia - Via Lungomare Roma 96
    Marina di Pietrasanta
    Fuori di Massa - Via Lungomare di Ponente 70
    Marina di Massa
    Mora Mora - Viale Colombo, 259
    Lido di Camaiore
    La Bussola - Viale Roma, 44 (Lungomare) 55045
    Marina di Pietrasanta
  • PlagesVoir

Gastronomie Toscane:

  • Produits et Cuisine Info
  • Restaurants et Pizzerie Voir