3 Stars

Гостиница San Carlo Марина ди Пьетрасанта

L’albergo, ha un'impronta giovanile, accogliente e familiare con ogni comfort per rendere gradevoli le vostre vacanze al mare. Competenza, professionalità e l'efficienza di un servizio sempre attento ai particolari, nel segno di una grande cortesia e cordialità, vi renderanno partecipi della proverbiale ospitalità toscana.

Hotel San Carlo è l’oasi ideale per trascorrere una vacanza di tutto relax in uno degli angoli più incantevoli della Versilia. Dimenticate stress e lavoro nel nostro solarium o in spiaggia, cullati da una leggera brezza marina e ammaliati da un'incantevole veduta.

Strengths Гостиница San Carlo:

Among the many services that Гостиница San Carlo offers, these are those that might interest you the most:

  • Разрешённые животные
  • Стоянка
  • Лифт
  • Кондиционер
  • 300 Mt. центра
  • моря !

Accommodation available:

Foto Single Room

Single Room

Взрослые: 1
Beds Type: Single bed

Do you want to know if this Single Room is still available for your holiday? Read the details and ask for availability directly to Гостиница San Carlo Марина ди Пьетрасанта.

  • Internet WiFi
  • Mini Bar
  • Air Conditioning
  • TV in the room
  • Pets allowed
  • Bathroom with Shower
подробности Single Room
Foto Double Room

Double Room

Взрослые: 2
Beds Type: Queen-size bed

Do you want to know if this Double Room is still available for your holiday? Read the details and ask for availability directly to Гостиница San Carlo Марина ди Пьетрасанта.

  • Internet WiFi
  • Mini Bar
  • Air Conditioning
  • TV in the room
  • Pets allowed
  • Bathroom with Shower
подробности Double Room
Foto Triple Room

Triple Room

Взрослые: 3
Beds Type: Double room with an extra bed

Do you want to know if this Triple Room is still available for your holiday? Read the details and ask for availability directly to Гостиница San Carlo Марина ди Пьетрасанта.

  • Internet WiFi
  • Mini Bar
  • Air Conditioning
  • TV in the room
  • Pets allowed
  • Bathroom with Shower
подробности Triple Room
Foto Quadruple Room

Quadruple Room

Взрослые: 4
Beds Type: Double room with 2 single beds

Do you want to know if this Quadruple Room is still available for your holiday? Read the details and ask for availability directly to Гостиница San Carlo Марина ди Пьетрасанта.

  • Internet WiFi
  • Mini Bar
  • Air Conditioning
  • TV in the room
  • Pets allowed
  • Bathroom with Shower
подробности Quadruple Room


  • Лифт
  • Открытый От Пасхи до Сентября
  • Кондиционер
  • Сейф
  • on the promenade
  • Телевизор


  • Internet-доступ


  • Стоянка

Домашние животные:

  • Разрешённые животные

Tags Гостиница Марина ди Пьетрасанта

Как добраться

Check-in & Check-out

Check-in: Arrival from 11:00 to 20:00.

Check-out: Departure from 08:00 to 10:30.

Гостиница San Carlo
